Thursday, February 23, 2006


My friend Jill Fineberg, created this wonderful book called People I Sleep With. The book features people sleeping with people that are close to them in special ways. No, this is not about sex! It's about relationship between humans and animals. Animals are an important part of the lives of humans. Yet so many people disregard them or never consider anything out side of their own species as being relevant in any way. I will be the first to admit animal lovers are freaks and I am one of them! I consider myself the Voice of the Wild because there are not enough intelligent people speaking up for the animal world and the wild! Yes, there are some extreme left wing nut cases out there screaming there heads off about nature and animal rights or what have you. I don't believe we need to go over board by protesting in front of butcher shops or throwing paint on people that wear fur. That's not necessary or smart. I believe in education, primarily through first hand experience of nature and the wild. It's my belief that rational, logical and good natured education will win over nonsensical protest any day of the week! I am very fortunate and thankful for the unique relationship that I have with wolves. Enjoy the photos of the love session with me and Raven.
There are more great photo's to come.

1 comment:

Vegan Vixen said...

What a beautiful photo!
Although I did find the comment on me being a nut because I'm for animal rights (I'm pretty sure if you've watched the video on that you'd change your mind about OUR views being extreme), I do love alot of your posts. I could not imagine our world without animals!